Apple exploring 20-inch foldable MacBook/iPad hybrid – report

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Amid the continued talk of an iPhone Fold, Apple may – quite literally – have bigger ambitions when it comes to flexible displays.

According to the well-informed Bloomberg reporter, Mark Gurman, Apple is exploring a 20-inch model, which may be some kind of iPad and MacBook hybrid.

In his latest Power On newsletter, Gurman says the dual screen device could include a virtual keyboard for use as a MacBook, or even a foldable display that attaches to a physical keyboard, sort of acting as a monitor. However, according to his sources, it could be the second option.

He told subscribers: “The company could go with a foldable 20-inch screen attached to a physical keyboard or just have one side of the display serving as a virtual keyboard. I’m told Apple has indeed been exploring a dual-screen, foldable MacBook/iPad hybrid that would take the second approach. It would trade in the physical keyboard and trackpad for a fully touch-screen base”

Gurman’s comments come after a similar report from DCSS analyst Ross Young, who brought word from the supply chain that Apple may be planning such a hybrid to launch somewhere between 2025 and 2027. His information suggested Apple would create a dual use product that could even be used as a 4K (or better) monitor along with an external keyboard.

Apple explores all manner of potential new products and features, indeed it files thousands of patents a year that might not see the light of day. This does seem a little out of whack with the company’s current product line. It has long resisted offering any kind of touchscreen Mac, and the prospect of such a large foldable does seem to be a few years away.

In the meantime, work may be continuing on an iPhone Fold that could arrive as soon as 2023, although a recent report suggested Apple has pushed its plans back to 2025.

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